DuPage County Asset Protection Attorney serving Illinois and Florida
At Ellsworth Law, LLC, our goal is to prevent the unnecessary dissipation of wealth by limiting your liability, sheltering your assets through proper titling, and providing your beneficiaries maximum asset protection for their inheritance.
Asset Protection in Illinois and Florida
Asset protection planning takes on many forms, but may include the following: proper insurance coverage, utilization of specific retirement accounts and life insurance, utilization of homestead exemptions, maximization of laws protecting assets by virtue of marital ownership, segregation of assets into separate entities or trusts, and proper business entity formation.
Asset protection planning is often state-specific and depends on both the location of the asset and your residency. We have experience both guiding clients through the asset protection planning process as well as testing our planning through specific client legal situations.
Contact an Asset Protection Attorney serving Cook, DuPage, Lee, Collier, and Miami-Dade Counties
Ellsworth Law, LLC is committed to asset protection and minimizing a client’s expected and unexpected liabilities. We will work with you to determine where your risks and liabilities may lie so that we can strive to reduce them. Contact us to schedule a free consultation.
Let's Work Together
Call 630-873-2090 to get a free case evaluation.
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